Monday, October 8, 2007

Party time!

For quite a few years, my oldst brother has been battling alcoholism. As of yesterday, October 8th, my brother has been sober for 1 year! *WAY TO GO G!!*
Anyways, we threw him a surprise party which TOTALLY took him by surprise!
I thank God everyday for my brother's sobriety. It got kind of scary for awhile last year when he had dropped so much weight and couldn't fuction at all.
WOW...a lot has gone on in just one year! Here are some pics from the party:

George all surprised

Hillary, Sandy and Ashley

Cadence being all cute

This child cannot possibly get any cuter!!

Thanks for the camera strap Aunt Amy!

Aunt Amy and Cadence

Uncle Geoff with Cadence

Papaw Szabo with his 'Stinky Cadence'

Mama Sza, Papa Sza and George *awwww*


Rebekah said...

How wonderful! God is so good!

Clair said...

that is amazing!!!! :)