Monday, June 23, 2008

R.I.P Big Timbo

So I'm crying like a banshee right now because as mom was driving to work she saw one of our cats *mom's cat* Timmy dead by the side of our road.

Needless to say there was much boohooing.

I know some say 'It's just a cat' but Timmy *as with the rest of our cats* are family.
It hurts just as bad as if my own brother had died.

Dad came home from work and buried him in the back yard *our woods* with the other past beloved animals of our family.

As silly as it may sound, please pray for us

The only time Timmy ever looked small
was when he had a bath

He liked to knock down the Christmas cards on the table

Timmy was a good sport and let me dress him

up for Christmas

He helped us move furniture...

Computer geek....

Liked snow...

Awesome snuggler

We'll miss you Timbo


Kelly said...

Oh so sorry! He was such a sweetie. Jason and I send our love (as fellow kitty parents).