Friday, July 25, 2008

Finally, a light!!

Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile, but after today I will have worked 50 hours this week. *which by the way I am WAAAAY thankful for* and of course I have no access to blog sites where I work.

Anyhow, to enlighten you about the title of today's blog I have some interesting health news. For the past few months, I've been gradually feeling like crap ie: no energy/depressed / G.I. problems / unusual weight gain / low bp etc. I woke up around 7 o'clock on my only day off this week and had a peaceful notion to call my doctors's office to see if they could fit me in for an appointment. Of course, as God would have it, they had an opening in exactly one hour *whoo hoo!*

To make a long story sort, my doctor was shocked at the state I was in *because she knows how I am usually energetic and upbeat* and immediately had me get a bunch of labs done.

End result??? What else but a screwed up TSH *thyroid stimulating hormone* well above the norm which is to be between .5 and 5.00 *a whomping 7.12!! For non-medical folks, this means that my thyroid is not working as it should, thus my body is overcompensating by releasing lots of TSH in attempt to stimulate my already crappy thyroid. And of course your thyroid controls important things like metabolism etc. If you want more info for some odd reason check out the following site on my specific disease called hashimoto's thyroiditis

Nice to know that I'm not going crazy! *not yet at least*

SOOOoooooo now that we know the culprit of the problem *which at first I thought was depression* my doctor has increased my thyroid medication significantly.

Anyhow, sorry for the medical rant but it does feel good to write it all out. *at work we call this 'Journal Therapy'*

As for the rest of my life all is going well. I do, however, have a prayer request. My grandmother is having a 2nd ablation done on Monday and please pray that everything goes well, as well as peace for everyone involved.

I hope everyone has a terriffic weekend and hopefully I'll be able to post some of the artwork I've done lately.

I love you all!!