Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A date with a T-Rex

After working the good ole' 3p-11p shift at work, and writing a paper until 3am...(insert a little sleep here) I went with Dad to the Gray Fossil Site/Museum on Sunday. *Operating on Faith and Coffee*

Here are the pictures: (Click to enlarge)

Outside of the Museum

Another view outside the Museum

The story of how 'Sue' was found and named

Dad face-to-face with 'Sue'

The actual 'Sue' skeleton to scale *with me in front*

Panoramic shot of inside the museum *click to enlarge*

Hmmm a deer...on my head

As dad stated, "Amy...because you were so good
to wake up early and come here with me....
I got you a 'Sue' stuffed T-Rex."
*I love my daddy*


Unknown said...

COOOOOOL! I didn't know there were Dinos in Grey! I hope you're having fun dear--and I'm bringin you some Vietnamese coffee when I come home! Love ya!